Powered by the Apocaplyse Overview
Started by Apocalypse World, Powered by the Apocalypse (PbtA) games are based on collaborative storytelling and intercharacter relationships. Where many games claim their roots in wargaming, PbtA games’ roots are in campfire stories and novels.

Dice in PbtA
Powered by the Apocalypse isn’t just one game, but the name given to a myriad of games that share some common mechanics. In a PbtA game, you’ll likely encounter these similarities: every player will use a different playbook or class, you’ll use 2d6 to accomplish a number of moves, and success is determined on a spectrum rather than a simple pass-fail.

What we Love
We love the collaborative storytelling aspect of PbtA games. It’s very common you sit down with your players and all come up with the world and lore in a session zero. It makes for compelling stories that everyone has a stake in and had a hand in creating.